ICF Next
As a content strategist and writer at ICF Next, I worked on projects for healthcare, financial and fitness clients.
For Ambetterhealth.com I wrote copy for their updated site designs as part of a redesign project. Our ICF Next team won a company-wide award for this work. We delivered updated visual design that included all updated copy for our final deliverables.
For this copywriting projects, I created detailed copy decks and presentations to share with the client for easier client reviews. Here is one example.
For Anthem.com’s Employer section, I created the content strategy and copy for several pages. Created wireframes based on Anthem’s existing components and templates, and partnered with their UX and marketing teams to recommend changes, best practices and content, aligned with user needs.
For HCSC I managed a content audit and assessment of over 100 web properties, including bcbsil.com (and sites for TX, MT, OK, NM). Recommended content to keep and migrate; helped eliminate over 35-50% of outdated content for their migration. Crafted executive presentations such as this to share findings.
For the HCSC audit, I crafted Excel audit files for all their web properties to track decisions, metrics, analytics and content recommendations.